What Is EMF Exposure? What You Need to Know Right Now

You might not know much about EMF exposure, but you’ve almost certainly experienced it, even if it was just mildly.

So what is EMF exposure? We’re glad you asked. Read on for our quick guide to EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and what exposure means for you.

What are EMFs?

EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, are frequencies of energy that exist all around us. They are produced naturally by the sun, and also by man-made devices such as cell phones and microwaves. EMFs exist on a spectrum from low frequency to high frequency.

Low frequency electromagnetic fields are common, and account for most of what we are exposed to. These low frequency EMFs can include cell phones, wi-fi signals from routers, microwaves, tv and radio waves, and even light from the sun.

High frequency electromagnetic fields are less common, but many of us are still exposed to them at some points in our lives. These low frequency EMFs include medical equipment such as CT scans and x-rays, UV light, and gamma rays.

What is EMF Exposure?

EMF exposure occurs daily for most people, however, it occurs as non-ionizing radiation. These EMFs have a longer wavelength, a lower frequency, and simply passes through the body without affecting it or causing harm.

Ionizing radiation from EMF exposure have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths. These are far less common, and most exposure to these occur intentionally from medical equipment. The exposure from visible light exists in between ionizing and non-ionizing, and is generally used as the marking point between the two.

Can EMF Exposure be Dangerous?

This topic is hotly debated, as some people believe EMF exposure to be more dangerous than others, while most agree that non-ionizing radiation is fine for the most part.

Scientific studies have differed on the long-term effect of regular exposure to non-ionizing radiation, and it’s mostly inconclusive. That is to say, it could be harmful, but probably isn’t. However, those exposed to very high doses of non-ionizing radiation regularly, such as those working in industrial or scientific areas, are more at risk for certain types of tissue damage.

How to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

If you’re concerned about EMF exposure, there are plenty of ways you can reduce your daily exposure. While it’s nearly impossible to completely cut it out, you can certainly give yourself a little more peace of mind. If you’re worried about your EMF exposure, offers EMF monitors to track exposure.

Turning off your devices when not in use is a great way to limit EMF exposure. While it can be hard to turn off our phones, shutting off the laptop, tablet, TV, and more when you aren’t using them should be fairly easy for most people. When you aren’t on your phone, keep it off your person. Keeping it out of the bedroom will limit exposure and can even help you sleep better!

Stay Informed and Stay Healthy

Those are the basics! Next time someone asks you “what is EMF exposure?” you’ll be able to educate and inform!

For more great information on health and more, keep reading our articles.


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